MTBCHunt Test
April 16 & 17, 2010, Conner Ranch

Friday & Saturday
      Photos: page 1

Double/Double Hunt Test with the Montana German Shorthaired Pointer Club.

MTBC - Premium (.pdf)  or  Premium (Word doc)
New Directions to Grounds, Different From Premium
Follow the premium directions to Wheatland Road and go the end of the pavement on Wheatland.  Just after it ends there will be a right turn into a subdivision, "Rolling Hills Glenn Road."  Stay on this road and you will see Stone Pillars this is the first turn left, turn into the subdivision, always keeping to your Left until you cross cattle guards.  Once you cross the cattle guards this becomes the road into Karyn's Ranch.  Stay straight on this road going through an open green gate.  The ranch sign says: Pais Casa Ranch.

For more information:   Hunt Test Sec. Jan Breitenfeldt. []

MTBC hunt test results:
Friday, April 16, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Junior Hunter - Qualifying dogs
Junior Hunter - Qualifying dogs
Qualifying dogs name Owner
Qualifying dogs name Owner
Chewie Allan & Lisa Dunand
Inga Nancy Layne & Venus Rae Brown
Rowdy Venus Rae & Stephen Brown
Savvi Sandra Becker
Niko Stephen & Venus Rae Brown
Chief Alex Burks
Lola Venus Rae & Stephen Brown
Bell George & Shannon McMahon
Lori Marilyn Merrell & Roberta Richardson
Niko Stephen & Venus Rae Brown
Bell George & Shannon McMahon
Lola Venus Rae & Stephen Brown
Ruger Carolyn Mehl & Jon Haufler
Chewie Allan & Lisa Dunand
Rye Melody Kaelin & Todd & Sari Breitenfeldt
Liah Sam & Wendy Johnson
Rikka Dawna Miller

Art Chris Smith
Senior Hunter - Qualifying dog
Lil Phillip
Dego Dawna Miller & Rod Zobel
Chief Alex Burks
Master Hunter - Qualifying dog
Savvi Sandra Becker
Sequel Christopher Eckhoff
Inga Venus Rae & Stephen Brown

Lucy Nancy Anderson

Master Hunter - Qualifying dog
Lex Thomas Hansler

MTBC Hunt Test Judges:
Friday 4/16:
Ron Dunigan
Victor Funk
Saturday 4/17:
Jon Haufler
Shane Anderson