Montana Brittany Club

MTBC Mission Statement: The Montana Brittany Club strives to protect and advance the interests of the Brittany.  Club members espouse and encourage the dual concept (field and show), good sportsmanship, fellowship, diversity and cooperation among Brittany enthusiasts.  The club promotes education, responsible ownership, ethical breeding (including good hunting instincts and structure), quality training, and encourages youth and beginners.

New members are always welcome! Come on out and have a good time with your dog!  Your input and participation will be greatly appreciated! Please feel free to browse through our pages for information on our breed, club, members, events, and more.  Feel free to visit the Montana Brittany Club page on Facebook.

Feel free to visit our Montana Brittany Club Facebook PageMany useful links below the photos

New Newsletter!
The MTBC has started up its newsletter again. Give it a look, and if you have anything you'd like to see, email Tommie Dahl at
View the Newsletter HERE

2024 Events:
Hunt Test Seminar:  2024, Complete
Walking Field Trial:  2024.  Complete

Double/Double Hunt Test: 2024 Complete
Snake and Porcupine Avoidance Clinic: Saturday, July 13th, 2024.  Location: near Three Forks, MT (same as last year).  Nine am to noon.  No reservation needed, all dog breeds welcome.  If you have questions, call Todd Breitenfeldt 406-498-5236.  Link to more information and directions to site.

Field Trial: Aug. 23-25, 2024
Running Order - Horseback and walking events.  Same events and location as the last several years (Winnett, MT).  Email Hunt Test/Trial Secretary Tommie Dahl for the premium's (info. and entry form) at:

For information on some of our previous events, please visit Past Events.
Members, feel free to send your dog's accomplishments and hunting photos for us to post here!

Apollo with member/breeder Tommie Dahl ending their year with plenty of success.
Apollo earned two Rally Novice qualifying scores towards his RN title, one in Spokane, WA and one in Coeur D'Alene, ID in May/June 2023.
After that he went back into the show ring where he earned more points towards his Bronze GCH, and earned 2 NOHS Group 1 placements in Missoula.
September he was entered in Conformation on Thursday, and then Rally/FastCAT Fri/Sat/Sun. Thursday he finished his Bronze GCH with a 3 point major going Best of Breed, then placed Second in Variety Groups and Fourth in NOHS.
Fri/Sat/Sun he earned qualifying runs towards his BCAT title, finishing that on Sunday, and Saturday he earned his last qualifying score in Rally Novice, earning his RN title. Sunday he earned a qualifying score in Rally Intermediate.
He is now known as GCHB CH Elkhrn Mtn's Poetic Playboy RN BCAT TKN

Apollo is co owned by Jr member Mackenzie Moore and co bred by member Todd Breitenfeldt,  out of
DC GCHG NBOB/BIS/BISS Can NBOB/BIS/CH Sovereign's Chasing Legends
GCHB CH Elkhrn Mtn's Southpaw Warbonnet Strut The Big Sky TKN

Artemis, CH Elkhrnmtn's Warbonnet Prairie Huntress At Fireegle, earned her Rally Novice title in April 2023, handled by member/owner Kelsey Darnell, then earned her first qualifying score for Rally Advanced in November 2023.

Artemis is bred by members Tommie Dahl and Todd Breitenfeldt, owned by Kelsey, Tommie, and Todd.
Out of
DC GCHG NBOB/BIS/BISS Can NBOB/BIS/CH Sovereign's Chasing Legends
GCHB CH Elkhrn Mtn's Southpaw Warbonnet Strut The Big Sky TKN

Apollo, handled by Jr. Co Owner Mackenzie Moore, going NOHS Group 1 in Great Falls July 2023 for the first time as a team.

Tipsy, GCHS CH Southpaw's I Can Do The Stray Kat Strut JH BCAT CGC with member/owner Tommie Dahl, went Veteran Group 2 in Missoula June 2023, then went Best Veteran in Show at the Great Falls show in July at 12 1/2 years of age.

Tipsy is owned by member Tommie Dahl, co owned and bred by June Cuthbertson (Co bred by Thomas Boersma), out of
CH Classic's Can Do The Real McCoy
CH Southpaw's Lil Allie Kat

April 2024 hunt test and walking field trial

Getting ready for the gun raffle drawing at the Montana Brittany Club fall field trial!

  MTBC Events.

Brittany Pups for Sale 

Officers & Contact Information 

Member Application 

Breeder & Stud Dog Registry

Bylaws & Constitution

Meetings Minutes & Records

Next Meeting Agenda
Past Events

Charter Members

Montana Brittany Club T-shirts, hats and bumper stickers for sale with the MTBC logo (see above).  Email: Tana Kradolfer  for more info.
This is an MTBC fund raiser.

Top 10 Reasons To Join The MTBC!

A 6 week old Brittany puppy.

 The American Brittany Club
The American Kennel Club
Brittany Rescue
Brittany Links
Montana Dept. of Fish Wild Life & Parks
Montana War On Weeds Web Site - Help Control Noxious Weeds!
Montana Travel Conditions
Montana Pass Cameras

Contact Site Supervisor    MTBC Logo by: Jessica Carlson.